Introducing Windows 11
Check for compatibility から DOWNLOAD APP > WindowsPCHealthCheckSetup.msi をダウンロード・実行 「今すぐチェック」

あばよ (^^)/~~~
もう 9年目なんだ
2025年までに買い替えよう :-P

6/29 追記
「PC 正常性チェック」ツールはいったん撤回 ~Microsoftが「Windows 11」のシステム要件を見直しへ - 窓の杜
Update on Windows 11 minimum system requirements
ハイハイ 撤収 (´・ω・`)

Windows lifecycle and servicing update

Next steps

While Windows 11 marks an exciting milestone for the future of Windows, we will continue to support Windows 10 through October 14, 2025. We will be introducing Window 10, version 21H2 in the second half of this year along with a Windows 10 Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) edition. We will be sharing more detailed information on both the next update to Windows 10 and Windows 11, including details on how we will make available and rollout each release. Stay tuned for more information on Windows, and remember that being on the latest version of Windows provides you with both the latest features and security protections to help keep your device safer.

当面 21H2 のほうが問題だろ