If you live in Japan or acquired the software while you lived in Japan, we grant you the following rights under our licenses:

  • 1."PIPC." For software marked as "PIPC," you may install and run one copy of the software on one licensed computer, but only if you comply with all the terms of this agreement. Our software license is permanently assigned to the licensed computer.
  • 2. Editions other than PIPC. You may install and run one copy of the software on one licensed computer (the first licensed computer), but only if you comply with all the terms of this agreement. Provided that you comply with all the terms of this agreement, you may install another copy of the software on a second licensed computer for use by the primary user of the first licensed computer. You may make a single copy of the software for backup purposes, and use that backup copy as described below. You may transfer the software to another computer that belongs to you. You may also transfer the software (together with the license) to a computer owned by someone else if a) you are the first licensed user of the software and b) the new user agrees to the terms of this agreement. To make that transfer, you must transfer the original media, the Certificate of Authenticity, the product key and the proof of purchase directly to that other person, without retaining any copies of the software. You may use the backup copy we allow you to make or the media that the software came on to transfer the software. Anytime you transfer the software to a new computer, you must remove the software from the prior computer. You may not transfer the software to share licenses between computers.

( ..)φ
"PIPC." はプリインストール版を意味するらしい。プリインストール版 Office (PIPC) 製品 FAQ
パッケージ版で "本人が保有する 2 台までの PC" に Office 2010 のような "持ち運び用のパソコン(携帯用デバイス)" の表現はない。
# 個人的には既にデスクトップとノートに
# 1つの Office 2010 プロダクトキーでインストールしちゃったから
# どっちでもいいんだけど。(^^ゞ

Office 2003 のライセンスはパッケージ版・プリインストール版合わせて4本で、1台は 2003 のまま残す予定なので Office Professional 2010 アップグレード優待2本でデスクトップ2台とノート1台。
Office Professional 2013 アップグレード優待パッケージ1本でデスクトップ1台のつもりだったけど、1本でデスクトップ2台OKだと、1本余るのか… orz