定例外 Microsoft Update Windows XP 用更新プログラム (KB2718704)

Unauthorized digital certificates could allow spoofing - Microsoft サポート
Microsoft Security Advisory (2718704) Unauthorized Digital Certificates Could Allow Spoofing

What is the scope of the advisory?
The purpose of this advisory is to notify customers that Microsoft has confirmed two unauthorized certificates have been issued by Microsoft and are being used in active attacks. During our investigation, a third Certificate Authority has been found to have issued certificates with weak ciphers.



Microsoft Emergency Bulletin: Unauthorized Certificate used in "Flame" - SANS Internet Storm Center
Microsoft certification authority signing certificates added to the Untrusted Certificate Store - MSRC
Kaspersky LabとITUの調査で新たに高度な脅威を発見 - Kaspersky Lab ウイルスニュース

マイクロソフト セキュリティ アドバイザリ (2718704) 承認されていないデジタル証明書により、なりすましが行われる
承認されていない証明書に関するアドバイザリ 2718704 を公開 - 日本のセキュリティチーム