
iPhone 6s iOS 12.1.4 更新

About the security content of iOS 12.1.4 今回はあっさり更新

Google Play開発者サービス バージョン 14.8.49 (040408-231258850) / 15.0.90 (040306-231259764) / 15.0.90 (040408-231259764)

SHV34 Nexus 7 (2013)Nexus 7 (2013) が 14.8.49 だったのを見逃しただけ?2/20 追記 SHV34 も 15.0.90 (040408-231259764) に更新

Prenotification Security Advisory for Adobe Acrobat and Reader | APSB19-07 - Adobe Security Bulletin

https://helpx.adobe.com/security/products/acrobat/apsb19-07.html Adobe is planning to release security updates for Adobe Acrobat and Reader for Windows and macOS on Tuesday, February 12, 2019.