
Autoruns for Windows v13.3

Autoruns v13.3 Autoruns, a utility that shows what processes, DLLs, and drivers are configured to automatically load, adds reporting of GP extension DLLs and now shows the target of hosting processes like cmd.exe and rundll32.exe. http://b…

Firefox 37.0.2

Android 版に続き Windows 版も 37.0.2 にアップデート Firefox Notes (Desktop) Fixed Google Maps may render incorrectly in some cases Fixed Stability fixes for select graphics hardware and feature sets Fixed Various security fixes Security Ad…

Nexus 7 (2013) Android 5.1

Androidバージョン 5.0.2 → 5.1 カーネルバージョン 3.4.0-g154bef4 → 3.4.0-g7597781 android-build@vpbs1.mtv.corp.google.com #1 Thu Nov 20 22:16:57 UTC 2014 → Thu Mar 12 01:10:18 UTC 2015 ビルド番号LRX22G → LMY470 カスペルスキー インターネット…