
Adobe Shockwave Player バージョン

Security update available for Shockwave Player - Adobe Security bulletin SummaryCritical vulnerabilities have been identified in Adobe Shockwave Player and earlier versions on the Windows and Macintosh operating systems. The vul…

Plugin Check for Everyone - Mozilla Security Blog

What’s NewWe believe that plugin safety is an issue for the web as a whole, so while our initial efforts focused on building a page that would work for Firefox users, the team has since expanded plugin check coverage to work with Safari 4,…

Microsoft Updateの日

2010 年 5 月のセキュリティ情報 2010年5月12日のセキュリティ情報 (月例) - 日本のセキュリティチーム 起動後すぐに自動更新の盾が表示されたPCは早かったけど、Microsoft Updateに手動で取りに行ったPCはやたら時間がかかったなぁ。